Sunday 24 June 2012

Activities and Specials


I am excited to post activities, tips and news that will enhance your general well being.

It's official we have snow on our land. If your like me all you want to do is stay indoors and cuddle up in bed with a book or movie. It's important not succumb to becoming a hermit for a whole season and no one knowing where you have been. With the help of auyrveda and myself you can help your body become strong and warm on the inside then it will help your entire being.  Setting aside time for yourself will greatly help achieve this goal, you can come see me for some spa time for yourself and I will show your body what it is missing or simply apply oil on yourself daily 10 minutes before you shower in the morning to really help your body become strong and happy.

Most people find it hard to commit to putting time aside for yourself, especially in the cold winter when you have to leave the comfort of your home. For those people I have started these packages to help motivate you to come and treat your self on a more regular basis not only when you are injured or stressed.

Get it when you want it not only when you need it

I advise anyone that has a Vata tendency to avoid staying in the cold or snow for to long and stay warm with a nice cup of Vata balancing tea from satya.

Try this camu and camu dill ghee, over kale: surely fortifying your system. Simple and fast to make.


For the new year we are having a sale of $10 off any individual treatment making it $80 OR 5% off any package. I am continuing my journey and heading back to India at the end of February  I would be overjoyed at the opportunity to have you help me master my techniques.

Thai Massage is a much more relaxing form of massage it uses no oil and is all on the floor. We use gravity and balance to help move the body around. If your someone that wants to do yoga but finds it hard to make it to the studio this is the perfect massage for you, its similar to doing a yoga class but without doing any movements yourself and letting me guide you through the "class".

What is an ayurvedic consultation

An Ayurvedic consultation is a comprehensive exam aimed at uncovering the cause of what ails you.

Ayurvedic diagnosis is made through a combination of a complete and detailed history, a pulse, tongue, and physical exam that will help to reveal underlying factors in the disease process.  Dr. Subedi diagnoses  the fundamental imbalance that may be responsible for your symptoms. Therapies may include, but are not limited to: body work and treatments ,herbs, diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and stress prevention.