Tuesday 1 May 2012

Raktamoksha (blood letting)

Raktamoksha or  therapeutic blood letting as the name suggest it is the process of removing all the impure blood in the system.

It is not the most common of the five panchakarmas, but for certain people it is necessary if they have to much impure blood it needs to be cleansed. Pure blood has a specific smell fluidity and colour and reacts in certain ways, it is essential to know what pure blood is so we know what impure blood is.

Generally not more than 10-40 ml blood is removed at a time

This practice have to be done under supervision of an ayurvedic doctor.

Virechana (purgation)

Virechana is great for reducing Pitta. It uses purgation therapy, which is to eliminate  the waste of the body through the rectum. Virechana focuses in the intestines and stomach, removing all of the excess  Pitta.

The Treatment

Virachana therapy is defined as medicated purgation therapy, which cleanses Pitta and purifies the blood by clearing toxins from the body. The treatment concentrates on the toxins that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder. The gastro-intestinal tract is also cleansed by Virachana therapy. This treatment is usually administered for three days after Vamana treatment, however its duration may vary from case to case. In fact, Virechana can be administered directly after panchakarma, without undergoing the Vamana therapy that precedes Virechana.


Vamana is the art of eliminating toxins in the upper-middle body through vomiting. The process is made to be as comfortable as possible, using internal oleation as a form of lubrication. It is the process by which the toxic contents of the stomach are thrown out of the body, including excess Kapha and Pitta. Kapha is located mainly in the chest, therefore vamana is a very useful method of releasing excess Kapha in the body. The main lubricant used is milk. Milk makes the process more comfortable by cooling the centre tube as well as preventing the taste of bile in your system.

Sneha Vasty

An oil enema is the insertion of a small volume of unctuous substance into the rectum. Oil enemas, otherwise known as sneha vasti are commonly used in Ayurvedic therapy as part of panchakarma.

This treatment helps to flush out all the toxins in the lower body. It is even more beneficial after receiving a week or more of prep, meaning internal and external oleation.

Vasty literally means bladder. It is named vasty because in the past, an animal bladder would be used as the pump to get the oil into the body.


practicing Neti at home.

An effective Ayurvedic remedy for nasal cleansing is nasya. Nasya is one of the five purification methods in panchakarma therapy and is also commonly done as an Ayurvedic treatment on its own. One can get a professional nasya treatment by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, or do a simple nasya by themselves at home.

This Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial for all doshas, particularly Vatta and Kapha. Nasya is used for the maintenance of health as well as the prevention and treatment of ailments of the head and neck.

Marma Massage

The Marma massage is a technique created by the Kalari warriors. The Kalari warriors used all 107 marma points in the body in their fighting. These marma points are where all of the prana (life force) is located, and massaging these points will move the prana throughout the body. The points are located where the five anatomical structures meet (muscle, blood vessels, ligaments, nerves, bones and joints.) The points are also concentrated points of energy in the body - it is surprising how much energy is stored in them! Massaging them help to wake the energy up.
It is perfectly normal for emotions and thoughts to come up during the massage.

Our Prices:
Per treatment: $110.00
1 week of treatments: $730.00 with 5% discount
2 weeks of treatments: $1385.00 with 10% discount
3 weeks of treatments: $1963.00 with 15% discount