Saturday 26 January 2013

What oil is good for my body type?

The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.
  Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89

I don't know about you, but winter affect my muscles. The constant change of temperature, no only from outside but from indoor to outdoors is stressful for the body. We also tent to move less and adopt a sedentary life style. We can try our yoga, rest and adapt with a diet and a cozy environment, however the winter do not go away.

Ayurveda offer solutions: and is oleation. The application of warm oil is a practice that the younger and older need to adopt to maintaining the flexibility and nourishment of the muscular tissues. Ayurveda suggest a daily oleation, this can be done before your shower. Will be ideal to leave it for a couple of minutes to penetrate. Learn benefits

Here some recommendations for the types of oils you may want to select for your dosha or body constitution:

For Vatta: 
Sesame, mustard and almond. For increasing strength and stamina Ashwagandha Oi.
Mahanarayan oil is made from over 30 Ayurvedic herbs and is traditionally used for joint pain or weakness. If you warm it, massage it into the affected joints or muscles and proceed with your regular abhyanga, it can be fabulously beneficial. Following this with a warm bath of 1/3 c baking soda and 1/3 cup ginger powder can further enhance the effects.

For Pitta:
Applying  Bhringaraj oil or Brahmi Oil to the scalp and soles of feet at bedtime may reduce pitta and encourage sound sleep. If you don’t have medicated oils, use sunflower or coconut oil for your abhyanga. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, you may wish to add some Neem oil to whatever your basic abhyanga oil is, because it is said to reduce pitta in the skin.

For Kapha
Abhyanga with warm oil is best for kapha. While sesame, corn and mustard oils are all helpful because they are warming, herbal oils are an even better choice for Kapha, as they add more Kapha pacifying properties to the oil. (If you are using sesame oil, opt for untoasted sesame oil; toasted is more expensive and has a very strong natural scent).

A good source to get your organic oils is  at

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